
全球涂抹酱(乳制品类、坚果类、巧克力等)的销售额已超过 220 亿美元,而且还在不断增长。许多年轻人正在寻找既不损害口味,又可更快速便捷地获得某些营养物质的方式。黄油已从仅用于烘焙和烹饪的油脂,转变为如今拥有不同风味且具有独特营养效益的早餐吐司主食搭配。制造商要解决的问题是在生产这些美味涂抹酱的同时,保持其功能性和营养含量。ABITEC 为您提供改善/增强涂抹酱功能和营养配置的解决方案。

特色产品:Captex® 中链甘油三酯 (MCT)

ABITEC 的 Captex MCT 具有理想的熔点特性和额外的营养效益,使其非常适合您的涂抹酱配方 [1-3]。


  • 中链甘油三酯 (MCT) 可提供可持续的能量、促进运动后恢复、增强生热作用、延长饱腹感并促进认知增强 [1-3]。
  • 犹太洁食和清真食品
  • 生产原料不含生物工程成分(非转基因)
  • 我们的 Nutri Sperse® 产品系列包括粉末形态
  • 除涂抹酱以外,还可用于运动和能量饮料、果汁、咖啡等等!
  • 优异的稳定性,保质期 24 - 36 个月
  • 对生酮饮食 (Keto Diet) 和原始饮食 (Paleo Diet) 友好


椰子、无棕榈及 RSPO 选择


化学名称辛酸 (C8) 含量 (%)癸酸 (C10) 含量 (%)CAS 编号
Captex 1000 三癸酸甘油酯<198621-71-6


Legal Disclaimer

CAPTEX® is a registered trademark of ABITEC Corporation.  All information and statements given on this website are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, neither ABITEC Corporation nor any of their affiliates make any representations or warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, any results obtained in the processing of the products by customers or any third party. All information and statements are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve the customer or user from verifying the suitability of information and statements given for a specific purpose prior to use of the products. It is entirely the obligation of the customer or user to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and also with all patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ABITEC CORPORATION EXPRESSELY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS AND/OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS WEBSITE AND/OR PRODUCT DESCRIBED OR PROMOTED ON THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. We reserve the right to change product specifications and specified properties of the products without prior notice.