
功能性饮料市场包括各种细分市场,如能量饮料、运动饮料、强化水、功能性乳饮料、功能性果汁和特种饮料。消费者不断寻求比碳酸饮料或糖和防腐剂含量高的果汁更健康的产品。功能性饮料通常会添加草药、矿物质、维生素或氨基酸等成分,以提高营养价值。ABITEC 的配料能为您的各种功能性饮料增加可持续的营养助益并改善其功能性。

Formulating CBD into your beverages?

  • Struggling to keep CBD in solution and provide controlled and consistent dosing?
  • Struggling to keep CBD emulsified in your beverage?
  • Struggling to increase the concentration of CBD in your beverage?


Contact us



NUTRI SPERSE 脂质粉末可传递多种健康油品中所含高达 73% 的脂肪量,包括中链甘油三酯 (MCT)、菜籽油和高油酸葵花籽油。我们所有的油品均为低反式脂肪、非氢化且符合犹太洁食和清真食品标准。它们在各种冷热水应用中均具有良好的分散性,并可为不适用液体油的产品提供光滑细腻的口感和更优的功能性。


  • 提供乳制品基料和非乳制品基料*
  • 含有 MCT,能增加能量供应并实现可持续的能量供应
  • 用于促进运动后的恢复和增强体能
  • 保质期长达 24 个月

*Nutri Sperse 粉末基料中的碳水化合物和蛋白质经专门选择,以提供营养功能,例如由慢至快的能量产生。





Nutri Sperse A5100**聚右旋糖、乳蛋白浓缩物及分离乳清蛋白高油酸葵花籽油45%
Nutri Sperse CAN 70脱脂奶粉菜籽油70%
Nutri Sperse IP HOS 70 ND非转基因麦芽糊精高油酸葵花籽油70%
Nutri Sperse HOS 73酪乳高油酸葵花籽油73%
Nutri Sperse HOSO M非转基因麦芽糊精高油酸葵花籽油48%
Nutri Sperse MCT CA食品用改性淀粉MCT25%
Nutri Sperse MCT 50非转基因麦芽糊精MCT50%
Nutri Sperse MCT 70脱脂奶粉MCT70%




  • 增溶剂
  • 乳化剂/助乳化剂
  • 载体(媒介物)
  • 生物利用度增强剂
Capmul 471辛酸/癸酸甘油酯

Capmul GMO-50

Capmul GMS-50K单硬脂酸甘油酯


Legal Disclaimer

Captex® and Capmul® are registered trademarks of ABITEC Corporation.  All information and statements given on this website are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, neither ABITEC Corporation nor any of their affiliates make any representations or warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, any results obtained in the processing of the products by customers or any third party. All information and statements are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve the customer or user from verifying the suitability of information and statements given for a specific purpose prior to use of the products. It is entirely the obligation of the customer or user to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and also with all patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ABITEC CORPORATION EXPRESSELY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS AND/OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS WEBSITE AND/OR PRODUCT DESCRIBED OR PROMOTED ON THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. We reserve the right to change product specifications and specified properties of the products without prior notice. NUTRI SPERSE is a registered trademark of AB Mauri Food Inc.  Used under license.