认知 — 思想的食粮
就其体积而言,大脑的能量需求十分巨大,人体 22% 的氧气消耗量是为了供给这个仅占成年人体重约 2% 的器官 [1]。大脑需要大量的氧气来将葡萄糖转化为能量 [1]。健康成年人大脑能量需求的 97% 由葡萄糖满足,其余则来自酮 [1、2]。然而,随着年龄的增长,酮可以提供超过 60% 的大脑能量需求 [3]。大脑对葡萄糖的摄取量会随年龄增长而减少,人类研究显示,老年受试者的葡萄糖摄取量比非老年受试者减少 10-15% [4-7]。进一步的证据显示,阿尔茨海默症患者的葡萄糖摄取量减少了 20-25% [4-7]。有人提出,大脑对葡萄糖的使用和/或摄取可能在临床认知功能下降之前很久就已开始减少,尤其是有阿尔茨海默症遗传倾向的人 [7]。学习和记忆也可能受到葡萄糖缺乏状况的影响 [8-10]。
特色产品:Captex® 8000(高 C8 含量 MCT)
ABITEC 的 Captex 中链甘油三酯 (MCT) 分为多个等级,每个等级都具有独特特性,适合不同配方。我们的 Captex 8000 MCT 含有 98% 的 C8 酰基。
MCT 是通常含有 8-12 个碳原子的脂肪。每种 MCT 的 C8-C12 含量可能不同。CAPTEX 8000 具有高 C8 酰基含量,含碳量低于具有更长酰基的脂肪(甘油三酯)。这是非常重要的,因为研究表明,与碳链较长的 MCT 相比,摄入高 C8 的 MCT 显著增加了酮的产生 [11,12]。Cunnane 等人最近的一项研究显示,源于此类 MCT 的 C8 脂肪酸在 8 小时内增加的血酮量是 C10 的 3 倍以上 [13]。
ABITEC 的 Captex 8000 可以单独使用,也可加入多种不同配方中,例如:
- 即饮 (RTD) 饮料
- 能量棒
- 能量胶
- 能量弹
- 咖啡奶精
产品名称 |
化学名称 | 辛酸 (C8) 含量 (%) | 癸酸 (C10) 含量 (%) | CAS 编号 |
Captex 8000 | 三辛酸甘油酯 | 98 | <1 | 538-23-8 |
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CAPTEX® is aregistered trademark of ABITEC Corporation. All information and statements given on this website are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, neither ABITEC Corporation nor any of their affiliates make any representations or warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, any results obtained in the processing of the products by customers or any third party. All information and statements are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve the customer or user from verifying the suitability of information and statements given for a specific purpose prior to use of the products. It is entirely the obligation of the customer or user to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and also with all patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ABITEC CORPORATION EXPRESSELY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS AND/OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS WEBSITE AND/OR PRODUCT DESCRIBED OR PROMOTED ON THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. We reserve the right to change product specifications and specified properties of the products without prior notice. NUTRI SPERSE is a registered trademark of AB Mauri Food Inc. Used under license.