Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements are intended to enhance and improve the diet. The "dietary ingredients" in these products may include one or more of the following ingredients: vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, protein and peptides, and phytochemicals. Supplements can also be extracts or concentrates, and may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel caps, liquids, or powders. ABITEC supplies a wide range of nutritional ingredients utilized in dietary supplements for both functional and nutritional use.

SENDS™ - Self Emulsifying Nutraceutical Delivery System

Many active nutraceutical ingredients (ANIs) today have solubility and/or permeability issues. Getting water-insoluble ANIs into solution to promote improved absorption of the intended active is a challenge to many nutraceutical formulators. A SENDS™ formulation strategy utilizes ABITEC's functional lipids to dissolve low-solubility ANIs and enhance permeability of poorly-absorbed ANIs by creating a unique micro-emulsion that provides complete release of the ANI in the desired location (or release of the ANI in an aqueous solution).

A typical SENDS system will consist of a solubilizer, an emulsifier, and a surfactant and/or co-surfactant. For the nutritional space, ABITEC supplies a portfolio to support SENDS formulations:

  • CAPTEX® - Solubilizers
  • CAPMUL® - Emulsifiers
  • ACCONON® Surfactants

These product families can be used alone as a neat solvent or together in the formulation of self-emulsifying systems to ensure your nutrients reach their destination and are properly absorbed by the body. In addition, a SENDS formulation can reduce the amount of ANI necessary, and thereby reduces the dosing cost of the ANI in the supplement.  

Learn more about ABITEC's SENDS solution here

Formulating with SENDS™

Formulating with SENDS™

ABITEC's John K. Tillotson, PhD., shares his expertise on formulating with Self-Emulsifying Nutraceutical Delivery Systems and how it can solve today's issues with solubility and permeability.

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Captex medium-chain triglycerides provide both functional and nutritional benefits across your dietary supplement applications.

Functional Benefits Include:

  • Ability to solubilize active nutritional ingredients to enhance absorption while contributing almost no taste to the formulation
  • Useful as a processing aid in various delivery forms such as, soft gels and powders
  • Excellent stability, 24-36 month shelf life

Nutritional Benefits include:

  • Providing sustained energy
  • Supporting weight management
  • Aiding in healthy cognition
  • Keto friendly

Multiple Sustainable Raw Material Options Available 

Coconut, Palm-free, and RSPO Options

Product Name

Chemical Name Caprylic (C8) fatty acid content (%) Capric (C10) fatty acid content (%) CAS Number
Captex 300 Glyceryl Tricaprylate/ Tricaprate ~70 ~30  65381-09-1
Captex 355 Glyceryl Tricaprylate/ Tricaprate ~55 ~35 65381-09-1,
Captex 1000  Glyceryl Tricaprate <1 98 621-71-6
Captex 8000  Glyceryl Tricaprylate 98 <1 538-23-8

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Nutri Sperse lipid powders deliver up to 73% fat content from a wide range of healthy oils, including medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), canola, and high oleic sunflower. All of our oils are low trans fat, non hydrogenated, kosher, and halal. They are dispersible across a spectrum of hot and cold aqueous applications, and they provide a creamy texture and improved functionality to products where liquid oils are not applicable.

Additionally, they are:

  • Available with dairy and non-dairy bases*
  • Available with MCTs for increased and sustainable energy supply
  • Used to promote post-workout recovery
  • Up to 24 month shelf life

*The carbohydrate and proteins in the bases of Nutri Sperse powders are specifically selected to provide nutritional functionality, such as, slow to fast energy production.

Product Name


Oil Type 


Nutri Sperse CAN 70 Nonfat Dried Milk Canola 70%
Nutri Sperse HOS 70 ND Non-GMO Maltodextrin High Oleic Sunflower 70%
Nutri Sperse HOS 73 Buttermilk High Oleic Sunflower 73%
Nutri Sperse HOSO M Maltodextrin High Oleic Sunflower 48%
Nutri Sperse MCT 50 Non-GMO Maltodextrin MCT 50%
Nutri Sperse MCT 70 Nonfat Dried Milk MCT 70%
Nutri Sperse MCT C8 Nonfat Dried Milk MCT 70%




Capmul mono- and diglycerides improve the bioavailability of insoluble and/or impermeable active nutritional ingredients (ANIs). The dietary supplement industry continues to struggle with ingredient absorption, emulsification and solubilization. Capmul ingredients help solve these issues found in today's complex formulations.

Functionalities include:

Product Name Chemical Name CAS Number 
Capmul GMO-50 Glyceryl Monooleate 25496-72-4



Acconon excipients are well-characterized mixtures of polyoxyethylene mono- and diglycerides, fatty acids or fatty alcohols. They are used to improve the bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs by direct solubilization or by acting as a stabilizing surfactant in active carrying emulsions.

Product Name Chemical Name
Acconon C-44 EP/NF* Lauroyl Macrogoglycerides
Acconon C-50 EP/NF* Stearoyl Macrogolglycerides or Stearoyl Polyoxylglycerides


*Developmental, for nutritional/food application in US only.


These polyglycerol esters (PGEs) are used as emulsifiers and solubilizers in an array of nutritional supplements because they offer a wide range of HLBs meeting the needs of many formulation requirements. In addition, other benefits include:

  • Improving texture and consistency
  • Work well with proteins to improve flow properties
  • Additon of smooth mouth feel
  • Stabilize aerated systems by controlling the agglomeration of fat globules
  • Reduce interfacial tension at oil-water boundaries

Product Name

Chemical Name CAS Number

Caprol 3GO

Triglycerol  Monooleate 9007-48-1
Caprol ET Hexaglycerol Octasterate 67784-82-1
Caprol MPGO Polyglycerol Esters of Oleic Acid 9007-48-1
Caprol PGE 860 Decaglycerol Mono- & Dioleate 9007-48-1



Vegetable oils have various uses as functional lipids in food and supplement applications as replacement fats and flavor carriers.  Their narrow melt point ranges help provide control over flavor release, making them a great addition to complex flavors incorporated into challenging supplement applications.

Product Name Chemical Name CAS Number 
Pureco 76 Coconut Oil  8001-31-8


Legal Disclaimer

CAPTEX®, CAPMUL®CAPROL®, and PURECO® are registered trademarks of ABITEC Corporation. All information and statements given on this website are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, neither ABITEC Corporation nor any of their affiliates make any representations or warranty with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, any results obtained in the processing of the products by customers or any third party. All information and statements are intended for persons having the required skill and know-how and do not relieve the customer or user from verifying the suitability of information and statements given for a specific purpose prior to use of the products. It is entirely the obligation of the customer or user to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and also with all patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. ABITEC CORPORATION EXPRESSELY DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CURRENCY, COMPLETENESS AND/OR THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS WEBSITE AND/OR PRODUCT DESCRIBED OR PROMOTED ON THIS WEBSITE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. We reserve the right to change product specifications and specified properties of the products without prior notice. NUTRI SPERSE is a registered trademark of AB Mauri Food Inc.  Used under license.